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初三英语教案-TV Programmes教案

来源:学大教育 时间:2016-03-04 21:47:51

初中英语学习对大家至关重要,要想掌握书本上的内容必须学会阅读教学教案,这样才能使大家了解要学习的重点知识,为此学大教育网小编为大家带来初三英语教案-TV Programmes教案,希望能够提高初中生的英语学习效果。

Language functions and focus

1. Use ‘between … and …’ to express a period of time, e.g.,

‘Today’s News’ is on TV between 6.30 p.m. and 6.45 p.m.

2. Use ‘from … to …’ to express a period of time, e.g.,

From 6 p.m. to 6.30 p.m., I can watch Cartoon World.

3. Use ‘before’, ‘after’ and ‘until’ to talk about when things happen, e.g.,

Before the awards start, we will interview some of the famous stars.

After I finish school, I will play tennis.

Until I watched ‘Tiger Watch” I never knew tigers had so many problems.

4. Use ‘while’ and ‘as’ to talk about when things happen, e.g.,

While Millie was watching TV, Andy came home.

As Andy sat down on the sofa, Millie gave him his letters.

5. Use comparative and superlative adverbs,

e.g., Millie came third in the race. She ran fast.

Sandy came second in the race. She ran faster than Millie.

Amy came first in the race. She ran the fastest.

Language skills


1. Identify the context of an interview and distinguish between three different interviewees

2. Identify main ideas and vocabulary and use this information to complete notes


1. Talk about preferences in TV prograrmmes

2. Respond to opinions

3. Recognize the difference between the/s/,/z/ and/iz/sounds


1. Understand key vocabulary related to TV programmes

2. Identify statements as true or false based on the reading passage

3. Match students’ interests and schedules to TV programmes


1. Create a plan for a TV programme

2. Write an outline for a TV programme

3. Write a TV programme

初三英语教案-TV Programmes教案是学大教育网小编为大家精心的,希望初中生们在学习英语的时候要好好阅读教案,想要获取更多的初中英语教案内容,请登录学大教育网。
